Basic Issues and Concepts: Reclamation

These meetings, which will be held with the participation of experts and researchers from the field, will discuss the reintroduction and redefinition of the original concepts of the field, the analysis of the reform movements, and what this intellectualism, which has grown and diversified from the past to the present, can say to the present.

As a result of the symposiums and programs organized so far within the scope of the Islamist Journals Project, a very lively interest in the field has emerged. In the following process, workshops with the title Basic Issues and Concepts will be organized with the aim of creating a ground where academics and graduate students working on Islamist thought in Turkey come together and have the opportunity to discuss around focal issues.

The first of this workshop, which is planned as a series, was held on June 15, 2019 under the title Orientations in Islamism Studies. In the light of this session, where the current state of research in the field and methodological problems were discussed, the basic elements and limits of Islamic thought in the contemporary world will be discussed with the views of researchers. In this workshop, the topic of “ISLAH” will be discussed.