Graduate Studies - Fall 2024 I. Term

İLEM Graduate Studies will begin the Fall 2024 I. Term by discussing research topics in various fields of the academy. Standing out with its civilian academy experience, İLEM continues to diversify its reading groups and courses to increase the intellectual capacity of its participants. The aim of reading groups is to establish and strengthen researchers' command of the literature on relevant issues. The aim of the courses in the new semester is to deepen students' perspectives on academic subjects and discussions. İLEM Graduate Studies continues to contribute to the world of science in this period with the studies carried out by academics who continue their research in different disciplines.

You can become a stakeholder in academic research by attending the new semester courses of İLEM Graduate Studies, which aims to guide students who want to study in the relevant field.

Graduate students and undergraduate students who have experience in the subject can apply to the program.

In the first semester of the 2024 Fall calendar, applications will be accepted for a total of 6 different courses from different disciplines. You can learn all the information about the courses by clicking on the boxes below.

You must apply individually for each course you want to attend. Face-to-face programs will be held for 5 weeks at İLEM's new center in Üsküdar Kısıklı.

The application deadline is October 10, 2024.


1) Current Debates in Digital Sociology

2)Turkish Cinema in the Framework of Directors

3)Introduction to Music Sociology

4)Muqaddime Readings

5)Events of Religious Education in the Light of Memoirs

6)Eastern Origins of Modern Western Thought
