Throughout history, humanity has established various civilizations in many basins, ranging from the Hijaz to Bilad al-Sham, from Iraq and Persia to Khorasan, from the Maghreb to Andalusia, from Sindh to India, from Transoxiana to Turkestan, and from Anatolia to Rumelia. Many dynasties that ruled over these basins have made significant contributions to the writing of their histories, the histories of the basins, and the history of humanity from various perspectives. Although the sources resulting from these efforts are known to researchers focusing on specific periods, they are not comprehensively understood, especially by young historians and researchers entering the field who want to conduct comprehensive studies on these basins. Taking these concerns into account, the focus of the Civilization Basins in History and Historiography Project is on historians, historical sources, and historiography."
The main focus of this workshop presents three points:
Firstly, it discusses how the Indian Subcontinent constitutes a place for historical sources in both its era and afterward, introduces its methodological specialties, and evaluates the cumulative historical resources in the basin and the historians who revealed these resources as a whole. Therefore, especially it is aimed at bringing out the historical memory of the Indian Subcontinent. It also aims at bringing out how historiography is formed in which circumstances, and lastly, it aims at comprehending the developments, specializations, transformations, and expansions or differentiations in the contemporary Indian Subcontinent. It also aims to examine the future of history carefully by centralizing the historiography.
Başlangıç Tarihi | Başlangıç Saati | Bitiş Tarihi | Bitiş Saati | Yer |
16 Aralık 2023 | 09:00 | 16 Aralık 2023 | 18:00 | İlmi Etüdler Derneği |