30 Mart 2024

5. Uluslararası Öğrenciler Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı

International Students Social Sciences Congress is organised to bring together postgraduate students who come to our country for their studies. The purpose is for them to share knowledge, take part in workshops and other activities in order to create joint projects in the future. The 5th International Students Social Sciences Congress took place in Karadeniz Technical University on 7-9 November 2019 in collaboration with Scientific Studies Association (ILEM) and Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB).

This two-volume book consists of the proceedings presented in the 5th International Students Social Sciences Congress. In this book you will find articles from various fields such as Anthropology, Literature, Educational Science, Philosophy, Law, Economics, Theology, Communication Science, Psychology, Art History, Political Science, Sociology, History, and International Relations. Additionally, works related to other fields of social sciences can also be found in the book – both in English and Turkish languages.


Numbers of Pages: 670 - 672


ISBN: 978-605-7824-15-8 (1.c) • TAKIM NO: 978-605-7824-14-1 (Tk)

ISBN: 978-605-7824-16-5 (2.c) • TAKIM NO: 978-605-7824-14-1 (Tk)