05 Nisan 2024

Dershane Düzenlemesi Tartışmalarına Eğitsel Bir Bakış

"Dershane Regulation Debates: An Educational Perspective"

Arife Gümüş authored the third installment of the İLEM Policy Notes, where the Association for Scientific Studies (İlmi Etüdler Derneği) shares information and policy recommendations with the public. The article titled "Dershane Regulation Debates: An Educational Perspective" analyzes the debates on dershane regulation that have been occasionally opened for discussion in the history of education in Turkey, never fully resolved, and have recently intensely occupied the country's agenda.

As part of the İLEM Policy Notes series, Arife Gümüş has written a study titled "Dershane Regulation Debates: An Educational Perspective." Gümüş examines the debates on dershane regulation in three stages within the framework of statements arguing that the closure of dershanes is a step towards a solution and statements suggesting that the closure of dershanes would be a problem.

In her work, Gümüş also points out the inadequacy of producing policies focused solely on dershanes, emphasizing that the issue needs to be approached in a multidimensional way to avoid moving away from the source of the problem. Ultimately, she emphasizes the need to identify the reasons for the existence of dershanes and eliminate the need for them.
