(Philosophy Treatises)
The fourth volume of Taşköprīzāde's corpus contains four treatises written by Taşköprīzāde in the field of philosophy. In this sense, in the volume of Philosophical Treatises, the text Ravzu'd-Dekâik fî Hadarâti'l-Kakâik: The Subtleties in the Levels of Truth by Kübra Şenel; Tebyînü'd-Dekâik fî Ta'yîni'l-Hakâik: The Subtleties in Determining the Truths and Isbāt al-Jawāzi'l-Halā bi-Delīli's-Safhati'l-Melsā': The Proof of the Possibility of Emptiness by the Evidence of a Smooth Surface by Cahid Şenel; Kavāʾid al-Hamliyyāt fī Tahkīki Mabāḥisi al-Külliyāt: The Rules of Attributions in the Analysis of Problems Concerning Universals by M. Zahid Tiryaki. With this volume, Ṭāshkubrīzāda's texts on philosophy have been presented to the world of scholarship. As with the others, this work, which was prepared as a result of the joint work of ILEM and İSTEV, was published by Istanbul Medeniyet University Publications under the editorship of İhsan Fazlıoğlu and İbrahim Halil Üçer.
ISBN: 978-605-66953-3-9
Release Date: November 2016
Publisher: Istanbul Medeniyet University Publications
Page Count: 198