30 Mart 2024

Geçmişten Günümüze Hilafet

The caliphate, one of the most important institutions of Islamic history, is among the critical concepts of Islamic political thought.

The way the concept appears in Islamic sources and how it has been the subject of theological and political thought have responded to the states' search for sovereignty and authority since the early periods of Islamic history.

This book, which includes 9 articles, aims to put this issue back on the agenda, to reinterpret the concepts of the period in a way to ensures continuity, and to benefit from the past accumulation in determining and criticizing the current issues of the caliphate, while revealing issues such as how the caliphate followed a process and what functions it fulfilled in the pre-modern period and what discussions took place about it.

It is hoped that this study/work, which contains the proceedings of the workshop organized on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the transfer of the caliphate to the Turks, will be instrumental in many more new/original researches and will serve to correctly commemorate and understand this great historical heritage.


ISBN: 978-605-69007-5-4

Page Count: 350

Edition Number: 1st Edition

Print Year: July, 2019