30 Mart 2024

II. Meşrutiyet Devrinde İslam Felsefesi Dersleri

"Islamic Philosophy" is a relatively new term despite having a deep-rooted history in terms of its meaning. In the first quarter of the 20th century, as part of the Ottoman modernization attempts, reforms in the field of education resulted in the inclusion of Islamic philosophy courses in the curriculum. These courses emerged as an important domain where this term found its place. In a period where Western values and thoughts increasingly made their presence, and at times exerted dominance, in the Islamic world, it remains intriguing to explore how Muslim Turkish intellectuals and scholars presented and defended their intellectual worlds, how they responded to criticisms and accusations directed at their domains, and how they sought to understand, assimilate, or overcome these influences within the existing conditions. Questions about how they defined the history of Islamic philosophy/thought in the context of the prevailing circumstances and conditions also arouse curiosity.

This study examines the process of the establishment of philosophy and Islamic philosophy courses in Darülfünun (the Ottoman University) and traditional madrasas (religious schools) during the period following the Second Constitutional Era (1908-1918). It explores the texts taught in Islamic philosophy courses and sheds some light on our history of modernization.


ISBN: 978-625-7800-31-0

Number of Pages: 378

1st Edition

Date of Publication: April, 2021

Publication Director:
Yusuf Temizcan
Preparing For Publication:
Mehmet Beydemir