31 Mart 2024

İnsanı Yeniden Düşünmek

(Rethinking the Human)


Conceptions of the nature of the human being have determined the ethical, political and metaphysical orientations of human actions throughout history. Therefore, it can be said that many structures that have emerged from moral preferences to social organizations, from state orders to educational systems are a direct or indirect manifestation of the answer given to the question of what man is. For this reason, the question of what human beings are is central to all kinds of conceptions of the world. Modernity radically transformed the classical conceptions of the nature of the human being and brought about one of the most important ruptures in human history. For this reason, one way to reach a correct understanding of the modern period is to identify and analyze the transformations that the conception of the human being underwent in this period.

This book mainly discusses the debates in modern Western thought on the nature of the human being and evaluates the impact of different definitions of the human being in the formation and transformation of various scientific disciplines. In addition, the book includes various debates in contemporary Islamic thought in order to provide an answer to the question of how the transformations brought about by modernity have affected conceptions of the human being in the Islamic world. In this way, readers will be able to follow the simultaneous and simultaneous effects of radically changing conceptions of the universe and human beings.


ISBN: 978-605-69007-1-6


Page Count: 384


Edition Number: 1st Edition


Print Year: March, 2019

Preparing For Publication:
Mehmet Beydemir