04 Nisan 2024

İslam Düşüncesinde Ahlâkî Önermelerin Kaynağı

 (The Source of Moral Propositions in Islamic Thought)

What is the principle or source that enables us to evaluate moral judgments, in other words, moral propositions as good or bad? In the history of thought, it is possible to find different answers that this source is pleasure, nature, emotion, reason, intuition, society, divine will. But the answer we give to the question "How do I know that justice is good and oppression is bad?" brings us face to face with different questions again. For example, if our answer is reason, what is the characteristic of this reason or which reason is it? Does human nature, emotions, intuition, and the society in which we live play a role in judging good and evil actions? What is the role of divine revelation in determining the field of ethics? This book aims to address such questions, which can be multiplied in relation to moral judgments, mainly under the question of "the source of moral propositions".


ISBN: 978-605-320-454-1 

Release Date: August-2016

Publisher: Nobel Publications İLEM Library

Page Count: 252