31 Mart 2024

İslam Siyaset Düşüncesi

(Islamic Political Thought: Just State, Virtuous City, Responsible Human)

There are numerous attempts to define the nature of the human being. The most widespread and nearly agreed upon of these attempts is that the human being is a political creature. Man is a being who lives in a community, who makes sense of and constructs himself within a community. However, the transformation of this obligatory unity of human beings into a good and just system constitutes an important problem. Throughout history, various political systems have been developed to establish and maintain such a social order. Today, one of the most important and urgent problems facing humanity is the formation of a good, beneficial and just order for all.

This book has been prepared with the aim of drawing a theoretical framework for Islamic political thought by using the possibilities and tools of contemporary political science and political philosophy.

This book, which includes 11 articles written by competent academics in the field, aims to provide new insights from classical origins to Islamic political thought, which has been shaped mostly by Western influence in the modern period. For this reason, it aims to systematically address ancient issues within a conceptual continuity and thus bring Islamic political thought to the present.


ISBN: 978-605-320-966-9 

Release Date: September 2018

Page Count: 432


Preparing For Publication:
Mehmet Beydemir