30 Mart 2024

Kudüs-Tarih, Şehir, Toplum

Jerusalem-History, City, Society

Jerusalem bears a testimony that very few cities in history have ever had. In the last century, the occupation of Jerusalem and the problems of the Islamic world have progressed in parallel. This situation is not only an issue that requires a political solution, but also requires a multidimensional evaluation with its intellectual, geographical, socio-cultural and economic components.


Jerusalem studies are getting richer day by day. It is seen as an indispensable prerequisite for these studies to reveal the social legacy of the ancient city and to produce a scholarly archive against the destruction of Jerusalem by interventions reduced to the ideology of nationhood.


This book was prepared with the aim of contributing to the expanding Jerusalem Library in Turkey. The book presents a multifaceted perspective on Jerusalem through original studies that evaluate Jerusalem in terms of its historical, cultural, urban and architectural dimensions and address the problem of Jerusalem from the perspective of international law.


ISBN: 978-605-69007-3-0

Page Count: 302

Edition Number: 1st Edition

Print Year: July, 2019

Preparing For Publication:
Mehmet Beydemir