30 Mart 2024

Müslüman Kardeşler’in Yükselişi ve Düşüşü

(The Rise and Fall of the Muslim Brotherhood)

Studies on Islamic movements, or more specifically the Muslim Brotherhood, have generally focused on ideological foundations or tensions with the political regime. Although there are a limited number of analyses on the organizational structure of the movements, the way they are organized, the method of education and ideological indoctrination, the factor of institutionalization has always been left out of these analyses. The most important reason behind this is that Islamic movements are not considered as political institutions. Considering that political institutions are structures that attribute values and identities to their members, Islamic movements should be considered as political institutions and their institutionalization processes should be taken into account since they have similar characteristics. In this context, this book seeks to answer the question of how their institutionalization processes should be analyzed based on the assumption that Islamic movements are also political institutions. The book examines the problematic of institutionalization of the Movement through six parameters in the example of the Muslim Brotherhood Organization, which is considered the pioneer of Islamic movements, and analyzes the level of institutionalization of the structure within the framework of its relationship with the Egyptian regime, in addition to the internal tensions and debates it has experienced from 1928 to the present.



ISBN: 978-605-690-07-47

Page Count: 320

Edition Number: 1st Edition

Print Year: July, 2019

Preparing For Publication:
Mehmet Beydemir