05 Nisan 2024

Osmanlı Kitap Kültürü

 (Ottoman Book Culture)

The text discusses the relatively recent interest in book culture studies in academia and intellectual circles, noting that despite the growing attention to this field, it seems challenging to assert that Ottoman book culture has benefited adequately from this increased interest. Limited studies on Ottoman book culture have primarily focused on printed works. The book in question delves into the manuscript book culture of the Ottoman Empire by examining the library of Cârullah Efendi, a scholar and judge from the 17th-18th centuries. The analysis is based on the marginal notes found in the collection of around 2200 works currently housed in the Süleymaniye Library, shedding light on the sciences present in these works and the book culture reflected in them.

Another contribution of the book is undoubtedly the thorough introduction of a highly valuable scholar, teacher, judge, librarian, and bibliophile, Cârullah Efendi, about whom almost no information was previously available.

This book, resulting from a research project conducted at the İlmi Etüdler Derneği (Scientific Studies Association) between 2013 and 2014, includes 14 essays that address book culture from various disciplines.


ISBN: 978-605-320-057-4

Release Date: February 2015

Publisher: Nobel Yayınları İLEM Kitaplığı

Page Count: 398

Berat Açıl
Project Assisstant:
Mukadder Gezen