After the 13th century, scholarly traditions in the Islamic world continued with commentaries and glosses written around major works. In this context, the later period of Islamic thought can be read as the history of works written in various branches of science such as Hidāyat al-hikma, Hikmat al-ayn, Sharh al-Mawāqif fī 'ilm al-kalām, Sharh al-Maqāṣid, Sharh al-Aqā'id, Aqā'id al-Adudīyye, Fusūs al-hikam, and Miftāḥ al-ghayb. Among the authors of such classical treatises and books, 'Adud al-Dīn al-Ījī should be mentioned in particular. In addition to establishing a tradition of writing in the fields of linguistics, theology, and the methodology of jurisprudence with his works such as al-Risālat al-Waz'iyya, al-Aqā'id al-Adudiyya, al-Mawāqif, and Sharḥ Mukhtasar al-Muntaḥā, al-Ījī was also instrumental in establishing a tradition of writing in the field of ethics and politics with his treatise Ahlāq al-Adudiyya, which deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of ethics and politics. The commentary, of which we have published a critical edition and translation, is by al-Ījī's direct student, al-Sayfeddīn Ahmad al-Abharī.
ISBN: 978-605-320-468-8
Release Date: August 2016
Publisher: Nobel Publications İLEM Library
Number of Pages: 80