30 Mart 2024

Sesler ve İzler 1-2

The Islamic Journals Project (İDP), launched by the Association of Scientific Studies (İLEM) in 2013, aimed to bring a new dimension to the discourse on Islamic thought and provide a contribution to the reconsideration of issues related to Islamism through the primary source of Islamic journals. As part of the project, these journals were archived and made digitally accessible. The availability of printed sources has shed light on a significant field in terms of identifying, explaining, and comparing the discourse, actions, and maturity in this area.

The İDP Oral History study further expanded this field by enriching and diversifying period research through the personal testimonies of the actors who gave life to the printed sources. This book contains interviews conducted with 34 individuals within the scope of oral history. It provides a wealth of information about the journey, transformations, and ruptures of Islamic thought in Turkey after 1970, as narrated through the testimonies of these 34 individuals.


Volume 1 ISBN: 978-625-7800-09-9

Volume 2 ISBN: 978-625-7800-17-4

Number of Pages: 352 Pages

Print Year: November, 2020

Preparing For Publication:
Mehmet Beydemir