(Foundation, Law and Society)
In four seminars organized in April 2013 under the title "Seminars on Waqf, Law and Society", the Association for Scientific Studies (İLEM) had the opportunity to host qualified, original, new and meaningful academics in the field of waqf. Within the framework of these seminars, Prof. Dr. Mürteza Bedir, Assist. Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kaya, Dr. Pehlül Düzenli and Prof. Dr. Murat Çizakça shared with us very important observations on various aspects of the institution of waqf. We wanted to publish these valuable presentations, which we did not want to remain only in the recording devices, in order to ensure the permanence of these valuable presentations and to make them available to researchers. This work consists of the presentations shared in these seminars.
e-ISBN: 978-605-86466-8-1
Release Date: April 2013
Page Count: 39