İslami Finansın Politik Ekonomisi

Hoca: İsa Yılmaz

Bu ders Türkiye’de ve dünyada akademik ve uygulama yönüyle giderek daha fazla önem kazanan İslam ekonomisi ve finansı çalışmalarına politik ekonomi ve moral ekonomi temelli bir derinlik ve yeniden bakış sağlamak amacıyla oluşturulmuştur. Dersin temel hedefi 8 hafta boyunca sömürge sonrası dönemde fikri temellerini inşa eden ve sonrasında İslami finans ile kurumsal olarak küresel sisteme alternatif olma iddiasında bulunan modern dönem İslam ekonomisi düşüncesini ekonomik, siyasi, sosyal ve tarihsel yönleriyle ele almaktır. Bu bağlamda yakın zamanda İslam ekonomisini ortaya çıkaran çok boyutlu faktörler, İslam ekonomisinin ülkelerin iktisadi kalkınma vizyonlarına etkisi, finansallaşma ekseninde İslami finansın yeniden düşünülmesi ve İslami finansı politik ekonomi ekseninde değerlendirmek gibi konular haftalık okumalar ve metin müzakereleri yoluyla ele alınacaktır. Katılımcıların bu ders sayesinde yaygın literatürde belirli bir alana yönelen ve odaklanan İslam ekonomisi birikimini İslam politik ekonomisi düşüncesiyle zenginleştirmesi beklenmektedir.


1. hafta

Sömürge Sonrası Batılı Ekonomik Kalkınma Teorileri ve Eleştiriler

Temel Okumalar:

Hirschman, Albert O. 1981. “The Rise and Decline of Development Economics.” Pp. 1–24 in Albert Hirschman, Essays in Trespassing: Economics to Politics and Beyond. London: Cambridge University Press.

Streeten, Paul. 1985. “Development Economics: The Intellectual Divisions.” Eastern Economic Journal 11(3):235–47.

Easterly, William. 2009. “The Idea of Development.” Foreign Policy, October.

Ek Okumalar:

Sen, Amartya Kumar. 2003. “Development as Capability Expansion.” Pp. 41–58 in Fukuda-Parr S. et al. Readings in Human Development. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Sachs, Jeffrey D. 2012. “From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals.” The Lancet 379(1):2206–11.

Pourgerami, Abbas. 1991. “The Political Economy of Development: An Empirical Examination of the Wealth Theory of Democracy.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 3(2):189–211.

2. hafta

Ekonomik Kalkınma ve İslam

Temel Okumalar:

Siddiqi, Muhammad Nejatullah. 2004. “Keynote Address, Round Table on Islamic Economics: Current State of Knowledge and Development of the Discipline.” in Held at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on May 26-27, 2004, under joint auspices of the Islamic Research and Training Institute, Jeddah and the Arab Planning Institute, Kuwait. Accessed on 13th December 2006 at

Ahmad, Khurshid. 2000. “Islamic Approach to Development.” Pp. 5–25 in Zeenat Kausar, Political Development: An Islamic Perspective. Malaysia: The Other Press.

Ek Okumalar:

Ghazali, Aidit. 1990. Development: An Islamic Perspective. Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications.

Ahmad, Khurshid. 1994. Islamic Approach to Development: Some Policy Implications. Islamabad: Institute for Policy Studies.

3. hafta

Finansal Kalkınmanın Politik Ekonomisi

Temel Okumalar:

Rajan, Raghuram G. and Luigi Zingales. 2003. “The Great Reversals: The Politics of Financial Development in the Twentieth Century.” Journal of Financial Economics 69(1):5–50.

Ek Okumalar:

Pagano, Marco and Paolo Volpin. 2001. “The Political Economy of Finance.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy 17(4):502–19.

4. hafta


Temel Okumalar:

Rodrik, Dani. 2016. “Premature Deindustrialization.” Journal of Economic Growth 21(1):1–33.

Svilokos, Tonći and Ivan Burin. 2017. “Financialization and Its Impact on Process of Deindustrialization in the EU.” Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Rijeci: Časopis Za Ekonomsku Teoriju i Praksu 35(2):583–610.

Ek Okumalar:

Palma, José Gabriel. 2014. “De-Industrialisation,‘Premature’de-Industrialisation and the Dutch-Disease.” Revista NECAT-Revista Do Núcleo de Estudos de Economia Catarinense 3(5):7–23.

5. hafta


Temel Okumalar:

Lapavitsas, Costas. 2011. “Theorizing Financialization.” Work, Employment and Society 25(4):611–26.

Sawyer, Malcolm. 2013. “What Is Financialization?” International Journal of Political Economy 42(4):5–18.

Watkins, John P. 2017. “Financialization and Society’s Protective Response: Reconsidering Karl Polanyi’s Double Movement.” Journal of Economic Issues 51(1):98–117.

Rethel, Lena. 2010. “Financialisation and the Malaysian Political Economy.” Globalizations 7(4):489–506.

Ek Okumalar:

Becker, Joachim, Johannes Jäger, Bernhard Leubolt, and Rudy Weissenbacher. 2010. “Peripheral Financialization and Vulnerability to Crisis: A Regulationist Perspective.” Competition & Change 14(3–4):225–47.

Deutschmann, Christoph. 2011. “Limits to Financialization: Sociological Analyses of the Financial Crisis.” European Journal of Sociology/Archives Européennes de Sociologie 52(3):347–89.

Tauss, Aaron. 2012. “Contextualizing the Current Crisis: Post-Fordism, Neoliberal Restructuring, and Financialization.” Colombia Internacional 76(1):51–79.

Tellalbasi, Isil and Ferudun Kaya. 2013. “Financialization of Turkey Industry Sector.” International Journal of Financial Research 4(3):127–43.



İslami Finansın Politik Ekonomisi

Temel Okumalar:

Apaydin, Fulya. 2015. “Financialization and the Push for Non-State Social Service Provision: Philanthropic Activities of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Turkey.” Forum for Development Studies 42(3):441–65.

Rethel, Lena. 2011. “Whose Legitimacy? Islamic Finance and the Global Financial Order.” Review of International Political Economy 18(1):75–98.

Rudnyckyj, Daromir. 2014. “Economy in Practice: Islamic Finance and the Problem of Market Reason.” American Ethnologist 41(1):110–27.

Ek Okumalar:

Rudnyckyj, Daromir. 2013. “From Wall Street to Halal Street: Malaysia and the Globalization of Islamic Finance.” The Journal of Asian Studies 72(4):831–48.

Rudnyckyj, Daromir. 2017. “Subjects of Debt: Financial Subjectification and Collaborative Risk in Malaysian Islamic Finance.” American Anthropologist 119(2):269–83.


İslami Finansın Politik Ekonomisi

Temel Okumalar:

Hoggarth, Davinia. 2016. “The Rise of Islamic Finance: Post-Colonial Market-Building in Central Asia and Russia.” International Affairs 92(1):115–36.

Mohamad, Maznah and Johan Saravanamuttu. 2015. “Islamic Banking and Finance: Sacred Alignment, Strategic Alliances.” Pacific Affairs 88(2):193–213.

Haniffa, Roszaini and Mohammad Hudaib. 2010. “Islamic Finance: From Sacred Intentions to Secular Goals?” Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 1(2):85–91.

Torchia, Andrew. 2014. “Dubai to Challenge London with Islamic Financing Platform.” Reuters, April.

Ek Okumalar:

Hegazy, Walid S. 2006. “Contemporary Islamic Finance: From Socioeconomic Idealism to Pure Legalism.” Chicago Journal of International Law 7(2):581–603.

Azarian, Reza. 2011. “Outline of an Economic Sociology of Islamic Banking.” International Journal of Business and Social Science 2(17):258–68.

Pollard, Jane and Michael Samers. 2007. “Islamic Banking and Finance: Postcolonial Political Economy and the Decentring of Economic Geography.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 32(3):313–30.


İslami Sosyal Bankacılık

Temel Okumalar:

Bovée, Jean-Paul. 2008. “For Finance That Serves the Common Good.” Finance & Bien Commun 30(1):12–18.

Ahmed, Habib. 2004a. “Frontiers of Islamic Banks: A Synthesis of the Social Role and Microfinance.” The European Journal of Management and Public Policy 3(1):118–38.

Asutay, Mehmet. 2015. “Public Policy Sources and Welfare Consequences of Islamic Finance Industry Formation Models.” 10th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance.

Ek Okumalar:

Cebeci, Ismail. 2012. “Integrating the Social Maslaha into Islamic Finance.” Accounting Research Journal 25(3):166–84.


Tarih Saat Yer
16 Ekim 2018 18:30 İLEM
23 Ekim 2018 18:30 İLEM
30 Ekim 2018 18:30 İLEM
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20 Kasım 2018 18:30 İLEM
27 Kasım 2018 18:30 İLEM
04 Aralık 2018 18:30 İLEM