26 Temmuz 2018

Principle, Image, and System: An Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Philosophy-Science Schools in Islamic Civilization (Temeddün)

Konuşmacı: İhsan Fazlıoğlu

All civilizational movements construct a semantic framework built on certain principles related to God, Universe and Human being. We call this framework as hayat-view. The hayat-view is the most fundamental principle of all civilizational movements’ interpretative acts related to existence. Besides, all civilizational movements produce images of God, Universe, and Human being, in short, the being. This production sets off for the greater part on the basis of the accumulation (information) present in human memory, related to the World-visions. World-visions are always intertwined with hayat-views, and this intertwinement is called Weltanschauung. Weltanschauung implicates structures that emerge from the interaction of hayat-view (principle) and World-visions (image), and that is multiple by its nature. Each new civilizational movement subject these Weltanschauungs to sifting and weeding in order to integrate them with its own hayat-view. In due time Weltanschauungs belonging to that civilizational movement emerge as a result of the processes of sifting-weeding and integration. The said Weltanschauungs create wholes formed of the co-occurrence/collocation/association of principle and image. The “whole” make it possible for the entire civilizational movement to know and to comprehend with respect to the part. It also provides the legitimacy of knowledge and meaning. Because of that, Weltanschauungs are a civilizational movement’s systems that produce its meaning, knowledge, and value (legitimacy). In this presentation, a structural analysis of the systems of philosophy-science constructed by the Islamic civilizational movement will be undertaken within the mentioned theoretical framework. Moreover, based on this analysis certain methodological predictions will be made.

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