03 Nisan 2021

İSD Seminerleri – 3 Siyaset, Fıkıh ve Cemaat: İbn Teymiye Dönemi

İlmi Etüdler Derneği (İLEM) bünyesinde gerçekleştirilen İslam Siyaset Düşüncesi seminerlerine yenisi eklendi. Serinin üçüncü programında Ovamir Anjum ile “Politics, Law and Community: Taymiyyan Moment” başlıklı program düzenlendi.

Bilindiği üzere İslam Siyaset Düşüncesi seminerleri kapsamında düzenlenen programda geçtimiz aylarda sırasıyla Mehmet Ali Büyükkara ve Tahsin Görgün ile birer seminer gerçekleştirilmişti.

Üçüncü programda İngilizce orijinalinden Türkçeye Ammar Kılıç tarafından kazandırılmış olan “Siyaset Fıkıh ve Cemaat – İbn Teymiye Dönemi” isimli eserin sahibi Prof. Ovamir Anjum* ağırlandı. Dr. Ahmet Köroğlu’nun moderatörlüğünü yaptığı programda Columbia Üniversitesi’nden Ebadur Rahman, Syracuse Üniversitesi’nden Ahmet Çelik ve Koç Üniversitesi’nden Ammar Kılıç da yorumlarıyla katkılarını sundu.

Programa ulaşmak için tıklayınız:


Program Detayları

Konuşmacı: Prof. Ovamir Anjum


Ahmet Köroğlu – İstanbul Üniversitesi

Ebadur Rahman - Columbia Üniversitesi

Ahmet Çelik - Syracuse Üniversitesi

Ammar Kılıç - Koç Üniversitesi

İletişim: Programa yönelik sorularınız için şu mail adresi üzerinden iletişime geçebilirsiniz:

*Program dili İngilizce’dir.




Politics, Law and Community: Taymiyyan Moment

Ovamir Anjum is Imam Khattab Endowed Chair of Islamic Studies at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Toledo. His work focuses on the nexus of theology, ethics, politics and law in classical and medieval Islam, with comparative interest in Western Thought. His interests are united by a common theoretical focus on epistemology or views of intellect/reason in various domains of Islamic thought, ranging from politics (siyasa), law (fiqh), theology (kalam), falsafa (Islamic philosophy) and spirituality (Sufism, mysticism, and asceticism). He brings these historical studies to bear on issues in contemporary Islamic thought and movements and is currently researching developments in Islamic political thought in the wake of the Arab Uprisings of 2011. While trained as an historian, his work is essentially interdisciplinary, drawing on the fields of classical Islamic studies, political philosophy, and cultural anthropology.

Politics, Law and Community: Taymiyyan Moment

In the third program organized within the scope of Scientific Studies Association Islamic Political Thought seminars, Prof. Ovamir Anjum* will be hosted. In this organization, the book “Politics, Law and Community: Taymiyyan Moment” which translated in Turkish by Ammar Kılıç, will be evaluated by its author. The program will be moderated by Ahmet Köroğlu PhD. And Ebadur Rahman from Columbia University, Ahmet Çelik from Syracuse University and Ammar Kılıç from Koç University will contribute the program with their comments.

Event Details

Speaker: Prof. Ovamir Anjum


Ahmet Köroğlu – Istanbul University

Ebadur Rahman - Columbia University

Ahmet Çelik - Syracuse University

Ammar Kılıç - Koç University

Contact: For questions about the program, contact to

*This event will be available in English.


ILEM Islamic Political Thoughts Seminars


Scientific Studies Association (ILEM) was founded in 2002 with a view to train and support scientists and intellectuals who are expected to suggest encompassing solutions for those problems that have been taking place over two centuries. The main objectives of ILEM is conducting scientific research to suggest solutions for the questions of humanity by laying a ground for training scientists who preserve our tradition of science. ILEM hopes its scientific studies to inspire varied groups in Turkey and abroad.

Islamic Political Thought seminars is a program series initiated by Scientific Studies Association (ILEM). In this series’ third talk, Ovamir Anjum (Speaker), Ahmet Köroğlu (Moderator) and other contributors will discuss on Politics, Law and Community in the Islamic Political Thought.