31 Ağustos 2018

İLEM Bulletin 14

Distinguished ILEM friends,

Many studies that are being conducted within ILEM continue by getting more fruitful every day.

With our 9th Regular General Assembly, our new administration reaffirmed confidence.

I extend my thanks to all our friends who will serve for another term and wish them a continued success.

I would also like to welcome our friends who recently joined us in the administration. Of course, original studies constitute a great importance for the academic efficiency of our country. For this reason, the work of our friends who are taking part in our studies is delicate as well as meticulous. May Allah bless our friends’ time who we walk together in this path, ease their works and make them strong-willed inshallah.

Our projects which are high on the agenda of the academic community are growing and deepening. And some of them are ending after they yield their products. This season we held the 3rd Islamics Magazines Symposium and renewed our website. Obviously, all of these happened thanks to the project growing to become a 100 years old archive. Within the scope of the project we’ve also added our newly published works with the two-volume book; “İslam’ı Uyandırmak” (Awakening Islam) to our library. In the upcoming month, other studies will also be presented to the benefit of the scientific community within the scope of the project. I would like to announce the good news in advance that you will be hearing lots of great news from Islamics Magazines Project (IDP) in the upcoming semester.

Developments regarding our project are not limited to these. As ILEM, another development which delighted us, took place regarding the Atlas of The Islamic Thought project. Favour for the Atlas, which we’ve shared with the public in November last year, is increasing day by day. Publishing Special Awards given by Turkish Authors’ Association (TYB) and the award given from Art, Literature and Culture Researches Association (ESKADER) have expanded our project’s success to literary world as well.

Education and Specialization programs have been busy this term as well and while the Education programs have produced their 17th term graduates, the number of students participated to our lectures within the scope of the Specialization programs has exceeded thousands. Moreover, while the workshops, presentations and seminars contribute to the academic productivity, these studies also formed the basis for many new publications and projects ideas.

ILEM, which formed important partnerships with public organizations and institutions, hosted many national and international studies in Spring semester as well.

Turkey Graduate Studies Congress (Türkiye Lisansüstü Çalışmalar Kongresi) which completed its 7th year, the Caliphate Workshop which was held on the occasion of 500th year anniversary of the transition of caliphate to Ottoman Empire and Islamics Magazines Symposium are only some of them...

The new issues of our magazines; “The Journal of the Humanity & Society” which fills an important gap in social sciences and “Nazariyat” which has original content on Islam, philosophy and scientific history studies, are out to reunite with their readers.

The Journal of the Humanity & Society will publish 4 issues every year now onwards.

Distinguished Friends!

We’ve been considering everyone who has been contributing to our studies within ILEM or benefiting from them as our members. Therefore, we care very much about our relationships with them. In this context, our board members and related commission have continued their efforts to regularly visit and get together with our valued friends in the Spring semester as well despite the intense workload.

In essence; Allah has rewarded us with all these beauties and you have always been with us with your unconditional support, strengthening us. Together with you; friends who have been supporting us actively and verbally, we will be carrying on many studies which will make ummah proud. With the awareness that we should not try to consent Allah with what we do but instead what our intentions are, we will continue our studies with tenacity and persistance in the upcoming term as well.

With salaam and prayers...


2018- YEAR: 6 VOLUME: 14
