Environmental History: Key Issues and Key Texts

Environmental history is one of the most innovative and inclusive modes of interpretation/explanation brought to human and social science research, arguing that not only humans but also all living and non-living beings in the natural environment in which humans are located and the interaction between these beings have a history that needs to be written. In this six-week course titled “Environmental History: Key Issues and Key Texts”, key texts that will contribute to our efforts to understand the human-environment, and environment-human relationship in its historical process will be read and key issues and debates in the field will be addressed. At the end of the course, students are expected to see the environment as an actor in history and to be aware of the tools and opportunities to include this actor in historical narratives.

Program Weekly Syllabus

Week 1

Environmental History: Basic Concepts, Works and Topics

  1. Donald Hughes, What is Environmental History? Istanbul: History Foundation Yurt Publications, 2019.

Week 2

Environmental History in the Macro Plan - I: The Collapse of Great Civilizations

Clive Ponting, The Green History of the World: Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations, Istanbul: Sabancı University Press, 2008 (various chapters)

Week 3

Environmental History in the Macro Plan - II: Environment and Power

Joachim Radkau, Nature and Power: A Global Environmental History, Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2017 (various chapters)

Week 4

Macro Plan Environmental History - III: Biological Imperialism

Alfred W. Crosby, The Earth is Mine! European Ecological Imperialism, 900-1900,

Istanbul: Kitap Publishing House, 2004 (various chapters)

Week 5

Environmental History in the Micro Plan - I: 16th-17th Century Ottoman Anatolia

Sam White, The Climate of Rebellion in the Ottoman Empire: Celâlî İsyanları in the Early Modern Period, Istanbul: Alfa Yayınları, 2013 (various chapters)

Zafer Karademir, İmparatorluğun Açlıkla İmtihanı: Famines in Ottoman Society (1560-1660), Istanbul: Kitap Publishing House, 2014 (various chapters)

Week 6

Environmental History in the Micro Plan - II: 18th Century Ottoman Egypt

Alan Mikhail, Under Osman's Tree: Ottoman Empire, Egypt and Environmental History, Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2019 (various chapters)

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