John Rawls “A Theory of Justice”

This reading group will critically discuss American philosopher John Rawls' A Theory of Justice. Rawls' work is considered one of the most influential books of the 20th century. The book has influenced contemporary social theory in many ways. In this context, the reading group will discuss basic issues such as social contract, social order, equality, justice, and equity around Rawls' theory. The lectures will try to form a perspective on contemporary social issues with references to the debates around the work.

Qualifications for Applicants:


Continuing graduate studies and having done basic readings in social theory.

Active participation and contribution to the course is expected.

Participating students are expected to write short (1-3 pages) assignments each week within the scope of the readings.

Program Weekly Syllabus

Week 1

Part I. Justice as Fairness

Week 2

Part II. The Principle of Justice

Week 3

Part III. Original Position

Week 4

Part IV. Equal Liberty, Part V. Distributive Shares

Week 5

Part VI. Duty and Obligation, Part VII. Goodness as Rationality

Week 6

Part VIII. The Sense of Justice, Part IX. The Goodness of Justice


Tarih Saat Yer
12 Nisan 2022 16:30